When: Saturday 22 September 2018
Where: Auditorium Corda Campus (Kempische Steenweg 293, Building 1, Hasselt)
Moderator: Mr. Ing. Chess Patelski (dir. Patelski Advokaat)
13:00 Registration of the participants
13:45 - Welcome: Ing. Alexander Daenen (chairman IE-net ingenieursvereniging, dept. VIK Limburg)
14:00– 1st speaker: Drs. Stephan van den Broek RA RC - Partner at Management Meets Singularity -
14:30- 2nd speaker: Bernard Piette- General Manager Logistics in Wallonia -
15:30– 3rd speaker: Prof. Dr. Frank Piller– Professor Innovation Management, RWTH Aachen -
engineers and employees“
16:00– 4thspeaker: Dr. Wiel Hotterbeexks- Researcher Innovative Enterprising, Zuyd Hogeschool Heerlen -
“Who takes the lead and how to qualify (future) technical scientists and engineers
for industry 4.0 in the Euregio”
16:30- Closing speech: Mark Vos- Coordinator Interreg VA Euregio Maas-Rijn, Mayor of Riemst -
“Challenges in the Euregio Maas-Rhine”
17:00 – 19:30: Network Event with drinks, soup & bread, sandwiches and tapas
Send an e-mail with your Name, Address, Phone Number and Name of your (Engineering) Organisation to:
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- VDE: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
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- ie-net + all people not directly related to an engineering association: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
There’re no costs to attend the seminar & network event. After 16thSeptember, the organisation will charge a no-show-fee of €20 for all Insubscriptions
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