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Op zaterdag 16 november 2019 organiseert DIK (Drielanden Ingenieurs Kontakt) een congres over de status van Duurzame Energie in België, Duitsland en Nederland.

The Future of Sustainable Energy in the Euregion Maas-Rhine

Invitation for the DIK seminar & network event
" The Future of Sustainable Energy in the Euregion Maas-Rhine "
- A comparison in the technological approach & vision between the different regions - 

Solar panels, wind mills, heat pumps, hydrogen... They are all technological solutions that could contribute to a more sustainable world. Each country is different in terms of laws, regulations, infrastructures, available resources and knowledge. As a result, countries in the Euregion Maas-Rhine are all using different technological solutions within their specific governmental climate. This event aims at providing you an overview of the sustainable technologies that are used and will be used in the future for Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. Along different speakers, also a price will be awarded for the best future sustainable idea. Each participant can send in their idea and present it on a poster.


Goal: connecting international engineers and interestees of the energy transition 

When: Saturday 16 November 2019

Where: Congres Center ‘t Kaar (Stationsstraat 126, Beek, Nederland)
Moderator: to be confirmed 

12:30 Registration of the participants
13:00 - Welcome: Dieudonnée Cobben
13:10 – 1st speaker: BOESTEN Stef – Phd Student – Open University Heerlen (NL)
"title presentation "  LANGUAGE: English
13:40 - 2nd speaker: LEONARD Grégoire – Associate Professor – University of Liège (BE)
"title presentation" LANGUAGE: English 
14:10 PAUSE + poster presentation of sustainable ideas
14:40 – 3rd speaker: from the region Belgisch Limburg - Flanders
"title presentation" LANGUAGE: English  
15:10 – 4th speaker: MOSER Albert – Professor RWTH Aachen (DE)
"title presentation" LANGUAGE: English
15:40 Awarding the price of best sustainable idea
15:55 – Closing speech Dieudonnée Cobben
16:10 – 16:45: Network Event with drinks 


Send an e-mail with your Name, Address, Phone Number and Name of your (Engineering) Organisation to:

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 DIK 40jaar

           "DIK" jubileum 40 jaar

When:                                Saturday 22 September 2018

Where:                               Auditorium Corda Campus (Kempische Steenweg 293, Building 1, Hasselt)

Moderator:                        Mr. Ing. Chess Patelski (dir. Patelski Advokaat)

13:00                                 Registration of the participants

13:45 -  Welcome:             Ing. Alexander Daenen (chairman IE-net ingenieursvereniging, dept. VIK Limburg)

14:00– 1st speaker:          Drs.  Stephan van den Broek RA RC - Partner at Management Meets Singularity -

                                         “What is singularity, can it be managed, by whom and how ? ”
                                          “How to prepare your organization for the 4th industrial revolution ? ”

                                         LANGUAGE: English

 14:30- 2nd speaker:       Bernard Piette- General Manager Logistics in Wallonia -

                                        “How does Industry 4.0 affects Logistics and Supply Chain Management”
                                         LANGUAGE: English
15:00   PAUSE                                                    

15:30– 3rd speaker:         Prof. Dr. Frank Piller– Professor Innovation Management, RWTH Aachen -

                                        “How established companies deal with digital change: The role of management, 
                                          engineers and employees“

                                         LANGUAGE: English

16:00– 4thspeaker:         Dr. Wiel Hotterbeexks- Researcher Innovative Enterprising, Zuyd Hogeschool Heerlen -

                                       “Who takes the lead and how to qualify (future) technical scientists and engineers

                                        for industry 4.0 in the Euregio”             

                                        LANGUAGE: English

16:30- Closing speech:  Mark Vos- Coordinator Interreg VA Euregio Maas-Rijn,  Mayor of Riemst -

                                       “Challenges in the Euregio Maas-Rhine”

17:00 – 19:30:                Network Event with drinks, soup & bread, sandwiches and tapas


Send an e-mail with your Name, Address, Phone Number and Name of your (Engineering) Organisation to:

There’re no costs to attend the seminar & network event. After 16thSeptember, the organisation will charge a no-show-fee of €20 for all Insubscriptions

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